Crystal structure of periplasmic domain of Helicobacter pylori FliL (residues 81 to 183) (crystal form A)
Target Sequence
Target Structure
Chain C
Quaternary State
Oligo Target Structure
Biounit 1 ; Biounit 2 ; Biounit 3 ; Biounit 4 ; Biounit 5 ; Biounit 6 ; Biounit 7 ; Biounit 8 ; Biounit 9 ; Biounit 10 ; Biounit 11 ; Biounit 12

Submitted model details

Structure (6 - 113, 108 res.)
Robetta, model-1 (1 - 113)
Robetta, model-2 (1 - 113)
Robetta, model-3 (1 - 113)
Robetta, model-4 (1 - 113)
Robetta, model-5 (1 - 113)
Phyre2, model-1 (12 - 113)
RoseTTAFold, model-1 (1 - 113)
RoseTTAFold, model-2 (1 - 113)
RoseTTAFold, model-3 (1 - 113)
RoseTTAFold, model-4 (1 - 113)
RoseTTAFold, model-5 (1 - 113)
SWISS-MODEL, model-1 (12 - 113)
SWISS-MODEL, model-2 (33 - 98)
RaptorX, model-1 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD3-TS, model-1 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD3-TS, model-2 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD3-TS, model-3 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD3-TS, model-4 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD3-TS, model-5 (1 - 113)
NaiveBLAST, model-1 (60 - 113)
IntFOLD4-TS, model-1 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD4-TS, model-2 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD4-TS, model-3 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD4-TS, model-4 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD4-TS, model-5 (1 - 113)
PRIMO, model-1 (1 - 59)
PRIMO_BST_3D, model-1 (18 - 59)
PRIMO_BST_CL, model-1 (1 - 59)
IntFOLD5-TS, model-1 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD5-TS, model-2 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD5-TS, model-3 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD5-TS, model-4 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD5-TS, model-5 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD6-TS, model-1 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD6-TS, model-2 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD6-TS, model-3 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD6-TS, model-4 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD6-TS, model-5 (1 - 113)
pureAF2_orig, model-1 (1 - 113)
pureAF2_notemp, model-1 (1 - 113)
ZlxFold, model-1 (1 - 113)
Naive AlphaFoldDB 90, model-1 (11 - 113)
Naive AlphaFoldDB 100, model-1 (11 - 113)
PaFold, model-1 (1 - 113)
PaFold_v2, model-1 (1 - 113)
RocketX, model-1 (1 - 113)
RocketX, model-2 (1 - 113)
RocketX, model-3 (1 - 113)
OpenComplex, model-1 (1 - 113)
OpenComplex, model-2 (1 - 113)
SADA, model-1 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD7, model-1 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD7, model-2 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD7, model-3 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD7, model-4 (1 - 113)
IntFOLD7, model-5 (1 - 113)
BestSingleStructuralTemplate, model-1 (1 - 113)

Colors: Query Sequence | Target Structure Coordinates | Model #1 Coordinates

3D Prediction

Target Structure

Server Evaluations

Server Name
Predictions Resp. time
From To Cov. (%) lDDT lDDT Cα Avg. lDDT-BS Avg. lDDT-BS details Model Conf. lDDT QS-score Oligo details QS-score Best Match lDDT Oligo MM-align TM-score MM-align RMSD QScore CAD-Score GDT_HA RMSD GDC Model Conf. MaxSub TM-score